New Experience

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Last 5 Years

Good morning Baltimore (I have always wanted to say that)! Yesterday I occurred to me that it has been 5 years since I graduated from, dare I say it, High School. A time in my life that was there to provide great lessons.... lets just leave it at that! A lot has happened in 5 years, a whole book has happened! Crazy thoughts, but it is true. Like my parents have always told me, I don't let grass grow underneath my feet!

Last 5 Years

Lets start off this post right! I will be interviewing myself to answer questions that will answer what has happened in the Last 5 Years (how many more times can I get this show title in this post!)

How many Cities have you lived in?

I have officially live in 5 cities. Omaha, St. Louis, New York City, San Diego, Missoula, and Chillicothe! 

How many state have you been to in the last 5 years?

Any where between 15-20 states (not all knew, just traveling)

What degrees did you get in college?

I recently graduated with BFA in Acting, BFA in Technical Theatre, and a Minor in Dance

Now time for the juicy questions: What have you done job wise in the last 5 years?

I have worked at a lake in Council Bluffs, that was a fun summer and that was also the summer of the great Missouri River Flood. The next summer, I worked at Six Flags St. Louis as a ride op for the roller coaster Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast, that was a chance to knock off items on my bucket list. Then for the last two summers, I have worked in Chillicothe Ohio, working on the show Tecumseh! I will be heading back there this summer for a third year. During college time period, I work as a House Keeper (that was a blast and I miss my boss Beth and Elvin!), also worked on countless productions professional and academic. My favorites being that I interned with Mike Kantz for a month and worked underneath Brian Ebbinghaus for 2+ years! Now in my post-college years, I have a solid 9 months of work lines up, first with Missoula Children's Theatre and second with Tecumseh!! I do have plans after September 2015, but I want to keep that a surprise.

What is something you are most proud of in the last 5 years?

To much to say. I think what has been the most rewarding is looking at life a different way. As I have been going through life, I have soon realized that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and we need to spend every waking minute doing what we love. 

What do you love?

Theatre, art, creativity, expression, etc. 

What is your biggest accomplishment in theatre or your art?

I have a few: First off, I think meeting the people that I have met in my life and getting to know their story. I count this as an accomplishment because I now know stories that some people will never hear, and these have changed my life. 

I think my other accomplishment goes to working in professional theater. I was told many times in my life that, "They don't need you, theatre is over crowed and you won't get work." I have told these people to watch me and learn! It has been a thrill and a huge accomplishment showing them that they need me in the theatre world, because there is only one Daniel P Sukup that is 23!! 

Finally, getting into stage combat. Last summer, I recommended pass my Quarterstaff testing. This was my first weapon I have ever trained on and it will now not be my last!!

You mentioned art, what type of art do you do other then theatre?

Any type of visual art! I love working with new mediums and coming up with new mediums to be able to tell the story that I want to tell. Unfortunately, being on the road I can't always work with new mediums, instead I have been working with photography. This is something that my parents have been pushing me to do longer then I can remember. Thanks to them I will be advancing it even further then before!

Getting back to the last 5 years, what is something you will take away for the next 5 years?

Self exploration and finding exactly who I am. This may sound weird, but in the world of technology, majority of us have lost this connection and are lost. We are addicted to these screens and not seeing the real world for what it is. This is something I am working with my photography to do. I want to capture the real world and get that connection back, as I move forward with the next 5 years.

Finally, what are 5 goals for the next 5 years?

1) Continue being a working Actor and not to lose the love for the arts
2) Continue to have the drive to explore and find
3) Be on a  National Tour 
4) Build my film career up
5) Write a book and get published

Bonus: Be a published artist

What do you want to tell your 28 years old self?  

Never lose the child in your heart. Keep the innocence alive with every new day. Never forget that tomorrow will never come and today could be your last. Smile and stay chill. Stress is worthless and not needed.

Thank you for reading this self interview. It has been an adventure writing and talking to myself. It really has gotten me to think about has happened. In the words of Steve Jobs:

"You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path." -Steve Jobs


Judi said...

you didn't mention all of the roller coasters!

Unknown said...

Hahaha that will be a differnet post!;) a bonus ad you may say!

Anonymous said...

Very neat story.. You go ya. Dd