New Experience

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Good and Bad

Work is Work

Wait what!? Work is work? I am talking about the physical work, meaning that if energy is put out then energy is lost, and thus work has happened. 

This job is work, and there are times when I get done with rehearsal, I am exhausted and just want to curl up with a good book, or veg with a good TV Show. It can be very exhausting to speak for 4 hours a day, but also add signing and blocking and you have a recipe for tired. This job is work. 

When I walk out of rehearsal there are nights when I leave and feel down because something did not go right or maybe I did not get to do what I want to do in the rehearsal, but then there is this moment that I look around and realize that I am in Montana, in a town that I most likely would not have traveled to as a tourist and see the beauty of this job and the beauty around me. Then it is like a sugar bomb went off inside me and I am charged up to go!

This job is amazing, you do get extremely exhausted and that is a beautiful sign that you are doing your job correctly! This job is work to get this show up on its feet, but it is so worth it. When I look at what we have done in the 6 schools that we have gone to, I see students that gained so much in their confidence, see smiles, and fear wipe away from their face. 

When that sugar high hits after rehearsal I am not only motivated to start the next rehearsal, but also feel stronger as an artist, doing his thing. I have seen my photography get stronger, my visual art is getting stronger, and all of this is form this beautiful sugar high that I am getting when I see that I am doing my dream job! That I really am an artist!!

That is all I have to talk about now, thank you for listening!

Daniel Sukup

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love listening to you bud....very ya dad